Sunday, November 26, 2017

Follow our Instagram!

The Healthy Hair Page Present's DIY hair masks to help retain moisture. It is a natural and healthy mask you can make in minutes in your own home. It's also affordable with the greatest results! Try it out! please comment any tips and tell us how this works for you. Follow us on Instagram!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Managing your curls before work.

Managing your curls before work.

Many men and woman have low maintenance hair. They can return home from work, sleep on it at night to wake up in the morning, simply to just run their fingers through their strands to put everything back in place. Boom, ready for work, and it looks O.K. Exceptionally good even. (Not on the daily but as a quick fix because they wanted to sleep for 15 extra minutes.) This isn't the case for every American, for our backgrounds shape the way we might go about maintaining ourselves.
For those with curly hair, many of us, with the exception of a few, must prepare our hair in a time-worthy frame of where we aren't interrupting any important schedules in our lives like work and school. People with curls, no matter their nationality have possibly all suffered from sleeping on their hair, creating single strand knots and must go through a long process of detangling and styling before leaving your home, commuting to work while maintaining your punctual schedule. We all know the famous quote "Failing to plan is planning to fail." Don't be late in life. You should understand this as a responsibility. 
So, you have afro inspired hair and you've come home from work and you're way too tired to do anything at all. What do you do? 

1. Suck it up. 

You're probably new to the healthy hair regime which includes NOT using heating tools or harsh chemicals to treat your hair for easier maintenance (because this creates weakness and breakage, right?). You just quit, and you don't adhere to the natural laws of naturally curly hair just yet cause' your learning. You'll find this stage difficult because what's instilled in you is to go to bed with your weave on. To go to bed with your wig on, or because whether you did a DIY straightening/chemical technique or went to your beautician, some days are fine to just pull it together and go. If you have curly hair you may have a few extra tasks before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. With curly hair, it's a madded mess in the morning if you decide to sleep on it at night, so it's up to you to plan. Everyone has those end tasks when getting home from his or her daily schedules. Put a little time into your braid out or twist out. You'll appreciate looking your best the next day. Your boss and co-workers won't question your overall personhood if you come punctual, looking presentable because you decided to go on and handle it at Midnight. You might want to omit the Liquid, Cream and Oil (LCM) method for all you need is water and a recommended conditioner. You don't need conditioner, water, oil and gel on every braid-out. Make it easier for yourselves.

2. Utilize Protective Styling:

Again, you're a serious working woman with as many hours in a day as Beyonce. You've gone natural and your self-conscious about everything you've done to your hair. Including going natural. You find yourself stuck in the mirror at 6:00 AM, trying to organize your fluff. Before you know it, it's now 7:30 AM, you have to drop your kids off at school by 8:00 AM and be at work by 8:30 AM. This is not good time management and you realize this. Is it beginning to become a pattern? Consider going to a stylist who specializes in protective styling. Protective styling is a method that induces low maintenance and length retention. Doing Braid outs on your hair every single night while your hair is still weak from all the damage is ineffective anyway. Go to a stylist who can braid in ways that suit you. Hairstyles to consider are real dreadlocks (which is hard to come back from, either you cut all your hair off to get rid of them, or you go to a specialist that will comb it out for you.) You can get faux locks (fake dreadlocks) in the same way one would get box braids added or twists. There's also goddess braids. Your hair will surely grow out into its next stage if you don't leave in the extensions over 6 weeks. Again, the best part, you can just get up and not have those extra tasks, such as unbraiding or untwisting, or combing and brushing. It is indeed time efficient! You'll be able to sleep those extra 15 minutes with this one.

3. Bun it.

If you can't manage to braid your hair at night just to unbraid it in the morning for that defined coil, or you haven't found the time to invest in a protective style for yourself, then Bun it. Hop in the shower, drench your hair under the shower head, apply a product, use a wide-tooth comb to detangle and bush it back. Tie it down with a headscarf before bed, or for 10 minutes before you leave to take on your endeavors. (if this is before work, omit baby hair trend please) This can take 20 minutes of your time. It's commonly recognized as a more professional sophisticated look in the workforce. Make sure it's sleek and neat! 

If anyone has any more time efficient tips for natural workers on a time limit, feel free to share with everyone. It's a problem usually solved through personal growth and experience. But here's a cheat sheet if you're willing to pay close attention to what I'm trying to say. The Healthy Hair Page paves the way for others to find the healthiest, quickest, and most efficient manners as to addressing your natural hair. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017


 The Healthy Hair Page Has Joined Pinterest!

 We believe at The Healthy Hair Page, that Pinterest will help us allow you guys to have more hands-on information on taking care of your hair. We may feature DIY’s and plenty of other demonstrations of How to’s and end results. We feel that we can categorize topics in which you can direct yourselves based on what YOU need while also browsing in similar journeys for inspiration in your lives. Please take the time to follow us and invite your fiends! Feel free to Pin our posts and comment so we know what we can do to help.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Facebook Fanpage

I have shared some pages in The Healthy Hair Page's Facebook, of information that could warp your minds about being natural.

You're A Natural

Length Retention

Future Natural



Hi readers, thank you so much for looking into this blog, that I hope is informative enough to pave the way to your journey. Or if you've already begun, I hope my previous blog, 5 insecurities of transitioning to healthy hair, has been a straight shot on where to go. I want to share more with you all.


This was 5 years ago in 2012, I washed my hair weekly or bi-weekly. After my washes I would flash dry it with a blow dryer. I would set my iron to the highest temperature and run it through my strands multiple times. I'd use products like heat protection sprays. I'd get 3 rows of tracks sewed in while leaving it in for over 4 months sometimes, at a time. My hair smelt burnt every time. It broke off little by little everyday, and i felt uncomfortable about it inside. I'd cut it to try and make it look different or more healthy, yet would repeat the same regiments as if it were going to change something. I did this for 10 years. I call it 10 YEARS of DAMAGE. It's insane looking back on where I was then, and I am so happy to have grown into the young woman I am today. I am thankful for all who have supported me during this time in my life. Innocently, I did not know how to take care of my hair.

Once I made a move from Dallas, Texas to Los Angeles California, where I'm originally from, the signs to go natural were everywhere. Texas and California are two different worlds, so when L.A opened up to me, it screamed "GO NATURAL..." My ex hair dresser mentioned it first. She said I might as well, plus everyone was doing it. It took me 3 years to listen to her. I've been on my healthy hair transition for 2 years and 5 Months....If I can restore any old pictures from my past life, I will share them with you guys. Sadly a lot of my things got deleted. We can start from here. A new beginning.

I did it. You can do it. You're probably already doing it! Please post any transition before and after pictures if you want to share! We'd love to see!

Best intentions,


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Follow Me

Hey ladies and Gents, I've created a Personal Twitter account so you all may follow me on. I'd love to get to know you and all your desires about #NATURALHAIR and Healthy hair. If you'd like to view a more personal prospective twitter's platform will help. Coming soon, I will give links to products personally used, what works and what doesn't (for my hair) and I'd love to show how economical going natural is vs. going to get your hair did (lol) and I feel Twitter can certainly help. It's also where I will host Polls. Please follow @smarimrie :)


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Little Curly Beautiful Babies

Welcoming the newest most healthiest grades of curl patterns, BABIES. Yes, we all know they hold the secrets to the universe! INCLUDING on the best maintained, natural, curly hair (Thank you Mommy and Dad!)  They're getting even cuter and cuter as time continues. Lets take a look at some of our origins and what our first grade normally looks like. If you're thinking of relaxing, your child's hair at a certain point in their lives, remember me, your curlfriend, feeding you plates of curly headed baby goodness! Please, if your proud of your work, post pictures of your curly headed loved one! We can start documenting their natural hair journey!

With Love,


5 Motivational Hair Journeys that will inspire you

STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE'RE HERE!! It’s always best to have some insights of the future, that’s why I’m providing you all with photos of women who have been on the road to beautiful healthy hair for some time now. It shows their hair before and after, including with the start year and end year. I hope this contributes to what you all are aiming for. Please remember that it took these woman patience and discipline of not over-manipulating their strands in order to retain length. We must remember that as humans, our hair and nails are consistently growing, and it is our job to take care of our ends in order to retain the length. Length retention should be a question for you if you are inspired by these women. 

Happy October,